:: 343 Time-Hopping
There is this mind trick and mind game that I’ve experienced too many times in my head that is really far out. If you aren’t interested in experiencing something that could throw your mind for a loop, perhaps it would be best to not scroll below this picture.

Here’s the name of the game. The mind or thought, or voice, or words, or whatever you want to call this, uses time in a rather deceptive way. It will in this moment be something that says “I am in control”. Then, it lets go of itself in this moment (almost like it’s word identity), and now you find yourself in the next moment. And here being in the next moment, it comes back in and has a new word identity, “I am not in control”. However, now you find yourself in this next moment with neither of those word identities. And being here in this moment, now, you are a new “me” without a word identity but still some sort of form of energy that can perceive and observe.
Now that you have read that, you are even now a different “new me” compared to when you read this last word. When it says it is in control, then let’s go of all that, and becomes that new me, then says the opposite, then let’s go of all of that and now becomes a new me looking back at memory and at these other “me’s” that it was in the moment it was it in time, but is no longer it, it then says now, “well that wasn’t me”.
To continue, the “me” that it is now is also then this “me” that is going to analyze and deliberate about which of those me’s which it was when it was it and which one it now wants to be.
But now since we are in the next moment, and there’s a new me here now, this one says, “do I even consider agreeing with any of the me’s I just was?”
If you haven’t caught on by now, this game can go on forever. I essentially call it “time hopping”. The mind, or thought, or identity, or words, they can literally shift to be the opposite in a matter of seconds, and within 10 seconds, you’ve had the 3 identity“me’s” plus the one you are now looking at all of this and going, this is crazy.
I could keep going with this but you get the idea. You can’t ever get a hold of the me because you are it when you are it and not it when you aren’t it in time and you can’t capture your me through memory. I’ve tried. However, if you try to get a hold of the me to then become it permanently, it uses time to then make it so you can’t permanently be “that me”, and then de-magnetizes itself to that thought, or words, and then becomes a completely new “me”.

It’s really just a mind game to be aware of as it is something that I used to experience regularly until I caught on to what it was doing and could also explain it like I am now.